Wednesday, October 25, 2017

New Generation Math

Why Common Core Math Problems Look So Weird

The youtube video wouldn't show up to embed, but here is the link!  My friend recently tagged me in this on Facebook, so I know that it is getting shared around and this is a question a lot of people have.  Parents throughout the US, who often did fine at their kids' grade level, can't seem to do their kids' homework.  This is because of Common Core! The video explains that while we used to learn the quick tricks to solving math problems, we are now working towards instilling a deeper understanding of math problems and why these tricks work.  Anyone in Middle Grades Math can attest to our learning of these newer methods in our current classes.  Beyond that, I believe that the common core standards lead students to have higher level thinking in all areas.  There is a much larger focus nowadays on math word problems, so that students can see the realistic use of mathematics outside of the classroom.  It's important that literacy as well as math literacy be addressed in our classroom in order for our students to succeed in a modern classroom.


1 comment:

  1. People who complain online about common core math are part of the reason I want to teach math. The new ways to teach are so much closer to how my brain processes the equations. People started complaining about common core before it had a chance to take hold (I have seen someone claim it has been making high school students worse for 10 years - how did it remove their perfect knowledge the first few years? How did it make them worse before it was enacted?) It usually seems to be someone who doesn't really understand numbers who is flipping out because their child's homework is over the parent's head.


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