Sunday, September 3, 2017

Help for Struggling Readers

Image result for struggling reader
         I found this chapter to be very helpful for a future content area teacher.  Instead of just talking about how readers struggle and we need to help them, they gave real advice that fits within a content area classroom, with tons of examples showing how effective the application of these methods were.  One part that really stood out to me was on page 288, a comment that Hal, one of the students, made about Amy Stoops's work in their program.  He said, "I asked Ms. Stoops, 'What's the point in reading, anyway?' So she sat me down and she printed out an article that told all the different ways that reading could help me. She really took the time for me." [Amy explained later that he had been on the verge of dropping out, but was now a very successful student.]
      It's many teachers' dreams to have such a profound impact on a student as Hal has experienced in the program.  How can we make that impact? Simply reread this chapter! I absolutely love their simplified list of the key elements need to increase content literacy in the classroom.  Teachers are often concerned that if they try to focus on reading or anything besides content that they are losing out on valuable learning time.  That is not the case!  Reading and learning and a positive classroom environment all go hand in hand, and teachers can help students with reading every single day in the classroom without ever "wasting" time.

    This is not to say that we should be handing out romance novels in math class, but there are valuable ways to learn math content with a direct relationship of increased reading abilities.  Believe it or not, most students are very open to learning if they are in a positive, safe environment.  Make that your classroom.


1 comment:

  1. Hola Señora Callie. Ignore my spanish but you have made some valid points in your blog. Hal's statement is very common because many students often ask, "Whats the point in reading anyway?" I do believe that students will learn better and effectively in a positive environment. As future educators we play vital roles in building that positive learning environment for the students.



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