Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Literacy in the Math Classroom

10 Ways Literacy Can Promote A Deeper Understanding Of Math

This link has very helpful tips for using literacy in the math classroom. I loved how interactive many of these were, and how they encouraged the students to think through their thought process and share.  One suggestion that is often forgotten was to have students write down why they got a problem wrong and the correct way to do it.  There were multiple suggestions that addressed students not just sloppily writing down what they need to in order to get there, but instead writing or voicing a step by step process in a way that others could understand.  When students are put in a teacher role, they are able to learn things to a higher level so that they are able to explain them to their peers.


1 comment:

  1. I think you make a very good point in having students write down the correct way to solve a problem. I know in math classes I take, writing down how to do it (in words) really helps me understand the subject better. This also improves students writing and gets them to think about what they did wrong and what they need to do next time to perfect the problem.


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