Thursday, November 9, 2017


I think that our presentation today went really well! We chose a really good picture to break up, and the class seemed really excited about what was going on in the pictures, much like future classrooms would be.  They also seemed engaged in the idea of looking towards the future-suggesting possible concepts/units that would follow the picture we showed.  Something I would have added to the lesson would be having guiding questions prepared when showing the students.  We had talked about one or two beforehand, but it would have been even better if we had students thinking outside of the box instead of following the lesson strategy to the tee.  I also would have fully done one of the strategies in the demonstration.  I didn't want to spend a ton of time on it, but I think it caused confusion that we only used one picture and it wasn't broken up.  A better solution would have been to do a mini sequence strategy, and quickly run through three pictures with Danjela.  I also wish we would have written down students ideas throughout the presentation, and had a spot within our presentation where we address the ideas they had earlier after the big reveal.  These are all really small things, and I do want to emphasize how successful I thought this was.  I love the strategies this book has because they all do such a wonderful job getting students engaged in learning, and I do believe our presentation as well as the strategy we presented encompassed that idea.

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